Wednesday, December 15, 2010

President attend Malapuram chapter Installation

Our Chapter President Jc.Ranjith vijayan  attend Malappuram chapter Installation on 14th December 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Installation ceremony of JCI Palghat New Governing Board Members 2011

New President of JCI Palghat JC.Ranjith Vijayan addressing the function 

Installation ceremony of JCI Palghat New Governing Board members 2011 was held at Madhavaraja Club on Friday 11/12/2010. JCI Senator P.Santhosh kumar (National President of JCI India)Inaugurated the function.Palakkad DYSP.Sri. Pushkaran was the Guest of Honor. Jc.Anoop(Zone president Zone XXI), Vice President Jc.Ramadas, Jc.Pramod, JCI.Senator B.Jayarajan ,Jc .Telin Thambi(IPP)Jc Krishna Prasad, Jc.Santhosh(Secretary) facilitated the function.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


JCI Palghat conducted Painting contest on children s day Nov.14th 2010 at VATIKA Palakkad.